Saved List

Save search results to a list, then email, request, print or export your saved records. Each item in your search results displays with a Save icon. Click the Save icon to add a record to the Saved List.


A message confirms that the record was saved and the Save icon no longer appears. This means you cannot accidentally save the same record twice. Your Saved List is session-specific. When you log out (or when your session times out due to inactivity), records are automatically cleared from your list.


To view the items you have saved, choose Saved List on the My Account menu.


Note: Depending on how your library has set ZPORTAL up, you may also be able to submit requests and link to full-text from items in the Saved List.


If enabled on your system a Collection link may be shown for each record in the saved list. This link opens a new window that gives you the native search interface for that collection. You can then carry out a search in that interface while still maintaining your ZPORTAL session.


From the Saved List: